
Research Network

Dr. Giray Gozgor

Research Faculty

Dr. Giray Gozgor is an Associate Professor of Economics & Finance at the School of Management, University of Bradford. He received a PhD in Economics from Istanbul University in 2012 and became an Associate Professor of Economics in 2014. He was promoted to Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University in 2020. He is also an affiliate of the CESifo Network and worked as a visiting scholar at Ghent University and the University of California, Irvine. Dr Gozgorā€™s research interests include applied econometrics, climate change economics, financial economics, international economics, international finance, and international political economy. He published more than 100 papers in the Web of Science journals, including 4* and 3* ABS Journals, such as Annals of Tourism Research; Economics Letters; Energy Economics; International Journal of Finance and Economics; International Review of Financial Analysis; Journal of Human Capital; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money; Journal of Travel Research; and Public Choice. He has been listed in the IDEAS/RePEc Economist Rankings (Top 1% Authors, Last 10 Years Publications & Top 200 Young Economists, 15 Years or Less).