Graduate Studies and Research


Proposal writing workshop

In line with the Graduate Studies and Research (GSR) Office’s mission to support research needs of investigators and to foster quality research across all disciplines at LAU, the GSR Office in collaboration with the LAU Center for Teaching & Learning organized a proposal writing workshop on the 6th of December 2016. This workshop is part of a series of workshops, organized by the GSR Office and aiming to provide research support to Faculty at LAU. It was delivered primarily by Ms. Rosie Nasser, former Associate Director of the Office of Grants and Contracts at AUB, with contribution from LAU Budget & Grants Office and GSR. The objective of the workshop was to provide Faculty with best practices and practical skills necessary to write research proposals that will be funded. It covered planning and preparing a proposal, identifying funding sources, the budget preparation, and the review process. The workshop featured practical examples  based on actual awarded and rejected proposals.

The workshop was attended by Faculty from LAU Byblos, Beirut, and UMCRH. The sessions were highly interactive, and participants discussed subjects related to their own research experience.