Graduate Studies and Research

Institutional Review Board

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The Lebanese American University (LAU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for the review and approval of research projects involving human subjects conducted at LAU, LAU Medical Center–Rizk Hospital (LAUMC–RH) and the LAU Medical Center-Saint John’s Hospital (LAUMC-SJH) or by its faculty, students and staff at outside locations. The primary objective of the IRB is to ensure that the proposed research conducted under its auspices encompasses the ethical principles of the Belmont Report and the protections provided by the regulations and guidelines governing research.

News and Announcements

Quick Guide for Researchers

As a researcher, you are likely interested in submitting a protocol to our office for review. The best place to start is by:

Contact Us

Joseph Stephan, PhD
Director of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Research Ethical Compliance

Karmen Baroudy, M.Sc., CIM
IRB Lead Program Manager
Ext. 2546
IRB Office, 2nd floor Dorms A, room 704, Byblos Campus